Let's talk about e-juice
An eliquid is essential for an electronic cigarette to work. Heated to a correct temperature thanks to a coil and subjected to a flow of air, the e-liquid turns into an aerosol and can be inhaled by the vaper.
WHAT contains an eliquid ?
The blends of our FUU e-liquids vary according to the required result and the equipment with which they are to be used. There are, however, 3 main ingredients found in different proportions:
- Propylene glycol (PE grade), see Wikipedia here: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propyl%C3%A8ne_glycol
- Vegetable glycerin (PE grade), see Wikipedia here:https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glyc%C3%A9rol
- Food flavoring, see: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ar%C3%B4me
To these 3 main components, Fuu adds pharmaceutical grade nicotine or not. It is the vaper who chooses the concentration. We also undertake to provide all our blends nicotine-free so that everyone can construct their own strategy to stop smoking. Fuu also sometimes adds demineralised water in very small quantities to thin some of the eliquids.
At Fuu, we are fans of the taste and pleasure obtained by vaping. We manufacture our eliquids ourselves in our factory located in Paris, and do not subcontract anything. Developing a new blend of eliquid takes between 2 and 6 months, from the initial idea, the identification of the aromas involved, the different tests and adjustments, as well as the design of the marketing material, and production.
We put only the best in our products and always seek the most noble raw materials possible. We impose our own specifications on our suppliers and check the quality of what they deliver to us. We are very demanding at every stage. The bottling of our eliquids is done using special machines specifically made for us. All our products are individually checked during labeling and we have a very efficient traceability system.
There are two things to consider when choosing your e-liquid: you, and your equipment. You are central to the decision and it is your taste that will help you make that decision. Do you like sweet desserts, fruit, citrus fruit or drinks? Or on the contrary, do you want to find a taste imitating a tobacco cigarette as much as possible? These are very important questions: at Fuu, we have plenty of blends to help you find the right flavor, the taste you prefer and will make you want to use your ecig rather than a cigarette. You must also choose your nicotine rate, always according to your own criteria, as a light smoker, a heavy smoker... we are all different. For more information, see the next section (how to choose your nicotine level).
The second factor to consider is your vape material and especially your clearomizer. Some are suitable for high levels of vegetable glycerin while others work better with high proportions of propylene glycol. A simple rule to keep in mind: if your clearomizer has a coil of less than 1 ohm it will be more suitable for eliquids with a high proportion of vegetable glycerin and if it has a coil greater than 1 ohm it will be more suitable for juices containing a significant proportion of propylene glycol. 50/50 Eliquids work well with most atomizers but are nevertheless more suitable for a vape on a clearomizer operating with a coil greater than 1 ohm.
When people vape it is usually to try to stop smoking tobacco cigarettes. The presence of nicotine in eliquids is essential to start the smoking withdrawal process. It helps to calm the feeling of a lack and create a sense of satisfaction. It also makes you want to continue to vape and brings a hit (tingling sensation in the throat) that mimics the passage in the throat of the smoke of a normal cigarette. Decreasing the proportion of nicotine in your eliquid is possible once you have definitely quit normal cigarettes. You can then start to gradually reduce the proportion of nicotine. You can use the different rates available for each blend or simply add the same blend in 0mg in your clearomizer to "cut" your usual e-liquid.
The addiction to tobacco cigarettes is due to the nicotine they contain. Nicotine is not a dangerous substance in itself (except in very large quantities). However, to get their "dose" of nicotine, smokers of tobacco cigarettes are forced to inhale more than 4,000 chemical compounds, of which at least 50 are carcinogenic. Ecigarettes preserve the gestures and sensation of smoking and the nicotine, while avoiding the inhalation of all the substances contained in tobacco cigarette smoke. Nicotine has an impact on the brain receptors related to pleasure (the "reward circuit"). The principle of electronic cigarettes is to give the brain the same dose (initially) that it is used to receiving, and then gradually reduce the dose to achieve withdrawal. The goal is to have the brain associate pleasure with electronic cigarettes and no longer with tobacco cigarettes. It is therefore important to start with a fairly high nicotine level (depending on your normal consumption of cigarettes), so that the "brain" understands that it has as much pleasure as with tobacco cigarettes. To get a sensation close to that of the tobacco cigarette, we recommend a power output of between 8 and 12 Watts, with an eliquid of 8mg or 12mg.
Because choosing is sometimes difficult, here is a selection of our best blends to start and keep on vaping. We have categorized them.
Classic (imitates the taste of tobacco) :
Menthol & Aniseed:
If it is really too difficult for you to replace all tobacco cigarettes (those highly ritualized like the morning first, after-meal or evening, for example) with electronic cigarettes, start by eliminating every cigarette that is not "vital". To have the best chance of stopping smoking, it is better to try to use only electronic cigarette (with a suitable nicotine rate), to avoid giving back to the brain the habit and "shot" of nicotine of a tobacco cigarette.
If you get your body and brain out of the habit and taste of tobacco cigarettes, for a period ranging from a few days to a few weeks, your brain will associate pleasure with electronic cigarettes (thanks to the nicotine and more pleasant taste) and no longer with tobacco cigarettes. It will then become much more difficult to smoke a tobacco cigarette again, as the taste will seem unpleasant (in particular because you will have "recovered" your sense of smell and taste).
The number of puffs of course depends on the nicotine level you choose. Choose a relatively high nicotine level if you cannot vape whenever you want and you have to go outside to vape. You can choose a slightly lower nicotine level if you can vape whenever you want. In any case, your body is well made! Once it has its dose of nicotine and will be "satiated", the need for nicotine will decrease and you will naturally distance the puffs.
In the early days, it is perfectly normal to have the impression your electronic cigarette is always in your mouth, until your body and brain get used to the new object and the new form of nicotine intake. If you really feel you are puffing too much on your e-cigarette, try a slightly higher nicotine level.
The ratio of propylene glycol to vegetable glycerin, expressed as a percentage, is the main characteristic used to describe an eliquid. In the XP-D-90-300-2 standard, the French manufacturers have agreed to indicate the proportion of PG first. As a result, to describe a liquid, a "special" formula will be "20/80" or "70/30", for example. The first is an eliquid composed of 20% propylene glycol and 80% glycerine. The second contains 70% propylene glycol. Caution: this is a convention, a shortcut, and the e liquid contains other ingredients than PG and VG: aromas, nicotine and possibly very small amounts of water. How important is this ratio to what the vaper feels? Three parameters are impacted.
The first is the feeling of the passage of nicotine in throat, the famous hit. The greater the amount of propylene, the greater the “throat hit". An eliquid with 20/80, on the other hand, will offer a more "gummed" sensation of the passage of nicotine. A "wetter", fatter feeling, generally softer. Important : there is no "good" or "bad" PG/VG ratio. In general, it is advisable for people wishing to move to electronic cigarettes start with eliquids with a greater proportion of PG because the feeling will look more like that of a tobacco cigarette. The second effect is on the flavors you feel.
- An eliquid with a high propylene glycol content will result in more direct, more easily identifiable, stronger flavors.
- Conversely, the properties of glycerine "gum" more of the flavors and the taste will be more discreet.
- The third is the amount of vapor produced.
- The more glycerine a liquid contains, the greater the amount of vapor produced. The vapor will be denser, whiter, and stay longer in the atmosphere of the room.
- A liquid with a high proportion of PG will produce a much less visible vapor.
- In a "behavioral" approach to vaping, it is important for most smokers to produce a lot of vapor, it is a sensation that increases their satisfaction and makes it easier to forget tobacco...
- Conversely, it can be interesting to be discreet when you vape, and ultimately, it is the nicotine that brings the real satisfaction. An eliquid with a higher ratio of PG can be a good way of vaping discretely.
It is interesting to note the changes in the PG/VG ratio since the beginning of the vape. By and large, in the beginning, propylene glycol always took precedence over glycerin (in French liquids anyway). It's a bit of the French "beginnings" style, with punchy flavors, a strong hit and a low volume of vapor. These are the liquids with which a lot of vapers started in 2013 for example. These frequently "mono-fruit" ranges are still selling very well, and Alfaliquid, the manufacturer, is the main representative.
But gradually the manufacturers became aware that a more pleasant balance was possible, reconciling the properties of the two diluent mixtures in better ways. Fuu released its Original Silver range with 60PG/40VG, starting in 2012, offering a more "mellow" alternative while still being tasty and satisfying. In our opinion, the Silver Range ratio is still a perfect way of starting to vape. We also like the 50/50, which as its name reflects, offers a fairly perfect balance between flavor, the texture of the vapor, and effect. This is the one we chose for our Original Gold and Dilutes ranges.
The interest of eliquids with a high glycerine content lies mainly in the texture of the vapor. The more generous, sweeter texture goes better with the large volumes of vapor produced by current equipment called "sub-ohms". The same liquids are preferred for direct inhalation (of the "shisha" type). This approach puts the accent on relish, and the most studied, most complex blends are generally proposed with high glycerin levels. That's the choice we made when we launched the Fuug Life range, available with 20/80, and in 50ml flasks (a first on the French market!). Subsequently, we offered ranges of these blends with 50/50 ratios to be compatible with all the styles of vaping.
The "organoleptic" approach to an eliquid is crucial when it comes to making a choice. The use of this learned term is not due to chance, because "taste" is not the only criterion to take into account. It involves a whole series of sensations that create a more or less coherent overall set that guides or will guide your judgement on the product. Also, in addition to taste it is good to think about:
- The unpleasant taste that can be created if the aromas poorly withstand being heated. It is one of the most important parameters and which, in our opinion, differentiates a good liquid from a bad one.
- The texture of the vapor. The latter must be present, and remain dense when exhaling.
- The persistence of the taste in the mouth, which must be there without staying too long.
- At the level of taste, over and above its correlation with your own, it is its strength that you must judge. Beware of excessively "charming" liquids that seem perfect from the first puff. A flask, even of 10ml, will give you that flavor for a few days. In other words, try to assess the product's potential for being sickening right the from the first few puffs.
Finally, in some circumstances, note that some liquids may be appreciated as giving "neither too much nor too little", as they say. We call them "Moments" eliquids, to mark the difference with "All day" eliquids, whose flavor can be appreciated any time of the day. In the end, one man's allday is not always another's, and, since there's no accounting for taste, you will discover that vaping is a complex, exciting world of flavor. Some even find themselves enjoying "in vape" flavors they do not like elsewhere!
Once all these parameters have been considered, there are as many styles of vape as there are vapers. Here are some profiles to help you discern the relationship between the material, the liquid and the vaper, from the simplest to the fine art of living:
"Utility" vape: the goal is to go direct to the simplest vape, limiting the choice of equipment, filling actions and maintenance as much as possible. In this case, the user may choose equipment that generally takes the size and shape of a traditional cigarette, called "Ciga-like". The cartridges that are inserted into the equipment can be prefilled, or for filling according to the model. For this kind of equipment we recommend the use of a high-dose nicotine eiquid (20ml/ml) based on nicotine salt technology. In our opinion, this will offer the best chance of forgetting cigarettes using small equipment. -
"Standard" vape: whether well advised in a specialized shop, or for informed web buyer, the choice will be a simple, self-standing kit like a combo between an iStick TC40 and a Nautilus clearomizer, or even an ego AIO or an Atopack Penguin kit. The idea is to keep the hit, autonomy of at least one day and have equipment compatible with a wide range of liquids. The choice of liquid is generally 60/40 or 50/50, with a nicotine level of 6 mg/ml. As to flavor, it's all up to you! -
"Sub-ohm" vape: many users who want to lower their nicotine content renew their equipment with more powerful boxes (up to 200W) and clearomizers with a coil lower than 1 ohm. This type of equipment allows you to consider e-liquids with a high glycerin content and are generally used with nicotine levels of no more than 3 mg/ml. -
"Lifestyle" vape: some users are passionate about vaping and can adopt modes of vaporization that are designed to produce a maximum amount of vapor. This is the case of "drippers", "open sky" tanks which must be equipped with a home-made coil, stuffed with cotton, and withstand a high power output. For this type of equipment, liquids with a high glycerin content are required because the volume of vapor produced requires a soft texture to be properly inhaled.
Nicotine in salt form is an alternative molecular form of the pure free nicotine usually used in eliquids. In a nicotine salt, there is the nicotine molecule bound to an organic acid molecule. At Fuu we have chosen benzoic acid to form our nicotine salts because, in addition to being commonly used as a food flavoring, this organic acid has the advantage of having a relatively neutral taste.
Fuu uses nicotine in the form of salts in its range MiNiMAL because it allows you to vape eliquids at high levels (20mg/ml) without feeling too great a hit. A really interesting solution for many people who cannot get into vaping because of tingling in the throat or coughing caused by "classic" vaping. This new approach also allows large vapers to return to higher levels of nicotine and thus reduce their consumption of eliquids. Fuu recommends vaping nicotine salt e-liquids on small-scale equipment in order to limit the amount of vapor produced and the temperature rise of the e-liquid. The idea is to absorb a minimum of vapor for maximum effect!
How to craft your own e-liquid?
DIY is as old as vaping products. What's more fun than dealing with aromas to make your own eliquid? At Fuu, we have always liked this approach, which gives consumers the opportunity to make their own eliquids, modulating all the parameters to their liking. We were thus one of the first French manufacturers to offer both nicotine and non-nicotine bases on the French market. Our first product might make you smile today, its "rustic" appearance contrasting with what is sold today on this market segment. In just a few years, DIY has come a long way!
Fuu have a long DIY history
We decided to launch a range of specially developed flavors to meet that demand. But more than just simple aromas, we have launched more complex blends. The goal? To mix a simple concentrate, so that after steeping (maturation), we obtain a balanced eiquid that is ready to vape. You will find on our site different ranges of concentrates, such as Syrup, Catch the Flavors, HVG or Concentrated Curiosities. These are relatively simple products to use. Three tips though:
- Always observe the recommended concentration. This corresponds to the PG/VG rate that we used during the development phases. For example, for Catch the Flavors, 50/50. This concentration level is expressed as a percentage of the final formula. 10% of recommended concentrate, to make 100ml of eliquid, will represent 10ml in 90ml of base.
- We advise you to consider the concentrate in the calculation of your ratios as if it were PG, because the flavors on this mixture usually act as thinners.
- Finally, and this is very important: be very careful not to confuse eliquid and concentrate. Do not vape a pure concentrate, it is much too strong and simply unsuitable.
Access to bases has become much easier over time. From a niche product in its beginnings, bases for making eliquids at home is now commonplace. The term "DIY base" means the mixture of the usual components of the eliquid, PG and VG, in a variable ratio, to which nicotine is added or not. Basically it's an eliquid but without the aromas, in which you can marry your own aromas, or more easily your concentrate. Bases differ on the market according to three criteria:
- their PG/SG ratio
- their nicotine content
- the volume of their packaging
Tips to stock and preserve DIY bases
Our tips to make sure the product you receive is "fresh":
- the liquid must be transparent, and not smell too strong
- note, however, that the more nicotine there is, the more the color will turn to orange, and the more hydrocarbon-like an odor will be present
- the older the base, the more these chromatic and olfactory parameters will be expressed
We advise you to keep your bases away from the light, if possible in a cool place. Some store their bases in the fridge. We do not necessarily encourage this, because have a potentially dangerous product cohabit with food is always a bad idea. Some have even bought a lockable fridge specially for their bases! Our advice is more the garage or cellar, a place where the temperature well-controlled, dark, and generally sheltered, which is perfect for keeping your product away from small hands and animals.
Let's talk about vape gear
Consisting of a clearomizer and a battery, an ecigarette can be bought in a ready-made pack or be created by choosing mutually compatible items. It's hard to make a choice because of the large number of models, variable prices and different possibilities enabled by the technologies available. To help you make a decision, we have prepared a summary guide with no double talk. Identify in the sections below that which seems to you to correspond best to your situation.
In Vaping, simplicity and efficiency are synonymous with easy filling and battery life. One of the most important points when choosing your ecigarette lies in the life of the battery: the longer it is, the less you will have to recharge it and the longer you can vape. This is very important because you should never have a flat battery, to avoid being tempted to smoke a normal cigarette instead taking of a few puffs of an ecigarette. Battery life is measured by its capacity in milliamperes hours (mAh). It takes a minimum of 1100 mAh to be safe all day. For those who cannot charge their battery, the best is to equip yourself with a box type model with a capacity of at least 2200 mAh.
As for the clearomizer, simplicity of filling and maintenance is essential. Choose a model that includes ready-made coils that you can quickly change and find in any vape store. Filling eliquids from the top is also a plus that simplifies everyday life. A last criterion to take into account is the nature of the sensations that you're looking for: big clouds of vapor or small tight puffs? Simple and effective models exist for both situations. You can find them using the following filters: beginner, autonomy, easy to fill, indirect inhalation.
Discretion is important for many vapers. For a long time the small models were too limited for serious vaping because their insufficient autonomy made them ineffective. It is now possible to vape with well-designed small equipment, but it is important to choose an eliquide with a high rate of nicotine.
We recommend in this situation the use of nicotine salt vape juices, because you can vape at 20mg/ml without feeling too strong a hit (the passage of vapor in your throat that stings and makes you cough a little). The MiNiMAL range is perfect for that. You can find the appropriate small models via the filter: discreet.
Buying your ecigarettes should be a pleasure. There are many brands used by enthusiasts, whether French, European, American or Chinese. We always have a selection of the best vape material currently on the market and you can compose your dream ecigarette on our site. To find all "High-End" models, use the High-End filter in the Expert & High-End section.
Making a lot of vapor and enjoying flavor is a mainstream trend in vaping. To obtain both, favor eliquids with a high proportion of vegetable glycerin and a low level of nicotine. If more vapor is produced, you inhale more eliquid, so it is normal to reduce the amount of nicotine. In addition, it is important for the vapor to be sweet and not irritate your throat. To properly vaporize these vape juices, we use "sub-ohm" equipment, i.e. ecigarettes that use coils of less than 1 ohm, which is very low, and require a lot of power output to heat well and vaporize a lot of eliquid in a minimum of time. You can find in the ecigarettes section this type of equipment by selecting the sub-ohm filter. To help you, we have prepared a small checklist to follow. To make a lot of vapor (> 30-40W), you need:
- A powerful battery, to attain the requisite power output, compatible with low-power coils.
- A suitable tank/clearomizer and a coil whose value is sufficiently low (<0.6 ohms="" li="">
- Eliquid with a high proportion of GV (vegetable glycerin, >60-70%). Indeed, the greater the quantity of GV, the denser the vapor.
- An eliquid with a low nicotine content to avoid having too strong a "hit".
- Use the electronic cigarette for direct inhalation, i.e. inhaling the vapor directly into the lungs (as with a shisha), and not in 2 phases as with a tobacco cigarette.
Temperature control is a feature found on some electronic cigarettes. It allows you to choose a maximum temperature (at the level of the coil), which means that once this temperature has been reached, the ecigarette "cuts off" automatically to avoid combustion of the fiber. This feature is not necessary, however, if the coil is used within the intended range of use and there is sufficient liquid in the tank/clearomizer. NB. Coils made of nickel and/or titanium are only suitable for temperature control modes.
The coil is the part that heats (in the tank/clearomizer) to vaporize the liquid. It consists of resistive wire and can be made of different materials: Kanthal, stainless steel (SS316L), Ni200, etc. It is also made of fiber (cotton, silica, etc.). Its value is measured in Ohms (Ω).
The power (P) output by an electronic cigarette is measured in Watts (W).
The voltage (U) of the electronic cigarette is measured in Volts (V).
It is calculated in this way: P (in Watts) = U2 (in Volts)/R (in Ohms)
When the value of the coil is less than 1 ohm, it is called sub-ohm. Sub-ohm coils are made to obtain large power outputs with relatively low voltages. The lower the coil value (R), the lower the voltage (U) needed to produce the power output (P). The value of the coil must be suitable for the requisite power. With the same output voltage (in Volts), it is thus possible to obtain very different power outputs:
Example with a voltage of 4V and a coil of 1.8 Ohms:42/1.8 = 16/1.8 = 8.88 Watts
Example with a voltage of 4V and a coil of 0.5 Ohms:42/0.5 = 16/0.5 = 32 Watts
The higher the power output, the greater the vapor produced by the electronic cigarette. The power in Watts is thus a function of 2 variables: the voltage in Volts and the value of the coil in Ohms. The higher the voltage in Volts, the more Watts are produced. The lower the coil value in Ohms, the more Watts are produced. However, it is not possible to increase the voltage indefinitely to obtain more Watts, otherwise the coil heats badly and may burn the fiber. The ideal voltage is often considered to be around 4V. To obtain more power output, it is necessary to use a coil whose value is lower, and which, for the same voltage in Volts, will produce more Watts.
As an essential component of an electronic cigarette, the battery is not only a power cell containing energy, it is also equipped with a more or less complex electronic circuit with which to send the energy contained in the battery into the clearomizer associated with it. Ecig batteries therefore have several forms dictated by objectives of design, capacity and functionality. These differences have led to the creation of several product families: EGO batteries, round and thin, with a simple button, the batteries in "box" format, often square and equipped with a control screen, or other unclassifiable formats born of the manufacturers' unbridled creativity.
To choose the right battery, first you have to identify which vaper profile you belong to: do you use your ecigarette a lot, do you want big clouds of vapor or a tight vape and little vapor? Is its design important? It is sometimes impossible to reconcile certain wishes: for instance, it will be difficult to find very small equipment which makes big clouds and has plenty of autonomy.
To choose a battery, you must have in mind two decisive characteristics: its life and the power it can output. Battery life is measured in milliamperes hour (mAh); from 1000mAh up, a battery is considered to have sufficient autonomy to last a day. Power output is measured by the range in Watts specified by the manufacturer. For a tight vape you'll never need a battery with a power output of more than 30W and for a subohm vape, you'll prefer a battery outputting at least 40W. Other characteristics complete these two main indications: does it have a control screen or an adjustment knob? What size coil can be housed with it? What is its thread and which clearomizers can connect with it?
In general, a battery must be equipped with a 510 thread to be used with most of the tanks on the market; prefer a fairly comfortable power range to have equipment capable of evolving with your vaping habits. Finally, there are models in which the batteries can be changed inside a box or a tube, in which case you buy what is called a mod: cylindrical or square, it opens and must be equipped with a battery of the correct size in order to function. It is often a little more expensive to buy, but when the battery is worn out you can replace it instead of buying a full battery.
To get a good eliquid, you need good equipment and from the beginning, FUU has offered equipment and batteries under its own brand, made in China according to our specifications. We select the best equipment currently available on the market and bring our grain of salt to make it more resistant and better-looking or to fill a gap in the generic market offer. FUU products have a longer warranty than the average and are original.
The electronic cigarette market is a highly innovative sector and battery formats are constantly evolving. All ecigs are built around a battery. Highly standardized, batteries have formats indicated by code names in figures. As batteries are cylindrical, that fact has been integrated into battery designs by using or concealing it. Over the years, different battery classes have distinguished themselves from each other and complicated code names have remained. No worry, the important thing is to find one that suits you and that you like.
Choosing an atomizer
Choosing a clearomizer is a very important moment for a vaper, especially for beginners. The atomizer is the part that vaporizes the liquid under the dual effect of the heating of the coil and the suction of air by the vaper. As the centerpiece of the e-cigarette, it is the tank that determines the nature of the coil used and therefore the power you need in your box to operate the clearomizer.
There are two main categories of clearos: those that work with prefabricated coils and those that need their own coil, usually called rebuildables, short for Rebuildable Tank Atomizers (RTAs). To begin, the best choice is simplicity. Be aware however that the restoration of flavors will be better with rebuildable atomizers.
On the side of clearomizers using prefabricated coils there are also two categories of products, those intended for a tight vape producing a quantity of normal vapor and those intended for an open vape intended to produce large clouds of vapor. You can find more information about these notions in the section "Choosing your coil".
The choice of your clearomizer therefore directly determines your style of vape and you need to know what it is before you start purchasing. We advise you to refer to our section "Choosing your electronic cigarette" to help you see things more clearly.
Choosing the right coil.
do I use and what type of vape do I want? When purchasing a clearomizer using prefabricated coils, the name and model of the coils compatible with it are indicated on the product sheet, on the product leaflet and on its packaging. Generally the make of coil is the same as that of the atomizer. Major Chinese brands such as Aspire, Kangertech, Joyetech and Eleaf invent and produce coils tailored for each of their models. There are many references available, but everything is clearly indicated. Once the coil model has been identified, all that remains is to choose the value of the coil, indicated in "ohms" with the following symbol: Ω
Each coil has an ideal operating range recommended by the manufacturer. If the value is less than 1, it is called a subohm coil, whose more intense heat can vaporize larger quantities of eliquid and eliquids of thicker consistencies, with high levels of vegetable glycerine (GV). To choose your coil value, we recommend that you ask the way you want to use your ecigarette. If it is to imitate a tight draw close to a normal cigarette, coils greater than 1 ohm will be suitable. If you want to produce a lot of vapor and benefit from an open draw, subohm coils will be a better choice.
A world of accessories
Ecigarettes and eliquides are essential for vaping, but there are many accessories that can make life easier for vapers. Holders for Ego batteries, necklaces to easily hang your ecigs, cases suitable for transporting ecigs: there are plenty of accessories for ecigarette to make your daily vape better. Here are some tips to take care of your equipment and prolong the life of your electronic cigarette.
To make life easier when using an ecigarette, be it a mod, a tube or an Ego, it is worth considering buying some practical accessories. For the more experienced vapers who use rebuildable vape material, of RTA, RDA or RDTA type, it is essential to consider the purchase of a ceramic clamp in place of conventional tweezers. It lets you handle the coil while it heats without creating a short circuit and thus give it the perfect shape faster and safely! Do It Yourself (DIY) fans will also like the stopcocks with which to equip their neutral or nicotine base jerrycan. The idea is to be able to dose your base without spilling it all over the place...
Drip-tips are tips on which you put your lips to suck the vapor produced by the electronic cigarette. Vaping being highly standardized, a very widespread format is the one commonly called "510". Most ecigs have adopted this format and allow a change of drip-tip so that it better fits your needs, your wishes and your style. There are different materials, shapes and colors for these tips. Silicone, plastic, copper, gold plating, titanium, wood, teflon, delrin, ultem: each with enough attraction to allow you to find the right one for the contact between your lips and your electronic cigarette.
Unlike normal cigarettes, you can choose what and how you vape, and in case of an allergy or discomfort due to a material, you can change it without any problem. The shape also has a role to play: flat, rounded, oval, elongated... There are lots of shapes and that's good, you can play with them until you find the one that best suits your body type, how you draw on your vaporizer, and your look. Iconic object, your ecigs can match your vaporizer and many users incorporate this parameter into their decision when they purchase their equipment. You can find all our drip-tips in the ecig accessories sub-section and the expert accessories sub-section
An ecig is intended to heat the e-liquid in the clearomizer to the right temperature in order for it to vaporize. It is a complex object, with a battery, electronic components, a switch, a small screen, a coil, a glass pane, etc. Despite the progress made, an ecigarette remains a fragile object that must be cared for. One of the first rules to remember in order to extend its life is to clean it regularly and correctly using a special microfiber cloth. The most important thing is to prevent liquid from seeping inside the battery and causing a short circuit or a malfunction.
A second rule is to avoid shocks that may completely break the pane of the clearomizer or the battery. To do so, you must protect your electronic cigarette, especially if you are active and move a lot. You have two solutions: a vape band for the clearomizer to protect it with a rubber band, and a special case. The quality of the battery charger is also very important for your batteries to be efficiently recharged. Do not hesitate to visit our battery section to find out more about our superb Listman products and especially the Rolls Royce of battery chargers.
Choosing a box mod
The purchase of an electro mod is an important moment in the life of a vaper. There are so many models with different prices, looks and features that making a decision is not easy. To help you, we have drawn up a check-list of all the points to take into account when you want to make such a purchase:
- Is it to please yourself? (its look, made in France, the brand) or more to meet a specific need? (endurance, features, power)
- What do you want: big clouds of vapor, or a tight vape?
- What types of batteries do you want to use? 18650 - 21700 or 26650?
- Which tank will you add: an RTA, an RDTA, or an RDA? With what diameter: 22 or 24mm?
- In what context will you use it? Everyday (you need something solid) or occasionally (will you take care of it)?
After answering these questions, you can use the filter systems on our site to identify the best choice. Feel free to watch reviews on YouTube or blogs, or visit forums dedicated to vaping. You can also send us your questions to this address for further clarification or to ask us our specific opinion on a product: commande@thefuu.com
Choosing a mech mod
The purchase of a mechanical mod is an important moment in the life of a vaper. There are so many models with different prices and looks that making a decision is not easy. To help you, we have drawn up a check-list of all the points to take into account when you want to make such a purchase:
- Is it to please yourself? (its look, made in France, the brand) or more to meet a specific need? (endurance, features, power)
- What do you want: big clouds of vapor, or a tight vape?
- What types of batteries do you want to use? 18650 - 21700 or 26650?
- Which tank will you add: an RTA, an RDTA, or an RDA? With what diameter: 22 or 24mm?
- In what context will you use it? Everyday (you need something solid) or occasionally (will you take care of it)?
After answering these questions, you can use the filter systems on our site to identify the best choice. Feel free to watch reviews on YouTube or blogs, or visit forums dedicated to vaping. You can also send us your questions to this address for further clarification or to ask us our specific opinion on a product: commande@thefuu.com
Choosing a tank or a dripper
Carefully choosing your tank, thoughtfully identifying the dripper best suited to your needs, taking the time to select the coolest rebuildable: all exciting moments when you're a vape fan. As the most important part of your setup, the tank has a direct impact on your style of vaping, the power range you need and the type of liquid you are going to vape. It also affects the quality of the vapor and intensity of the taste that you will have, and the type of draw, tight or open, that you will get. In short, it is a decisive choice. At Fuu, we are manufacturers of e-liquids and vaping fans: for us, vaporization appliances are really important because they can reveal all the potential as well as all the defects of an e-liquid. We therefore select the best atomizers on the market and test them all, so one thing is certain: on our site, we only offer items that have been tested and approved
To help you make your choice of dripper, RDTA or RTA, here are some questions you need to ask yourself before making your choice:
- open or tight draw?
- which diameter, 22 or 24mm?
- what use: daily or exceptional?
- what type of eliquid: high GV content or balanced?
- What style ? Discreet or exuberant?
- how easy to use? Simple to coil or demanding, how often and how easy to fill?
One thing is certain, the budget should not be decisive: there are some great atomizers at very reasonable prices; for example, at Fuu we love the ADVKEN brand which makes innovative RTAs and RDAs that are easy to coil, of irreproachable manufacturing quality at very attractive prices. It is better to choose according to your vape criteria and the style of your box and have a really great tank which makes you want to vape and which will be easy to use every day.
Choosing the right battery
Nothing is easier than choosing your battery. First, you need to identify the battery format compatible with your mod. At Fuu, we propose 4: the 18650, the 26650, the 20700 and soon the 21700. These figures correspond to the length and diameter of these large batteries which are capable of storing a lot of electricity and releasing it with more or less efficiency depending on the characteristics targeted by the vaper. To determine the format of your battery, please see your mod: which size of battery is compatible with it? It is usually indicated on the box, the product sheet or the manual. Once the format is identified, it is necessary to determine your needs: do you vape with a mechanical mod or an electro mod? Do you vape with a high wattage (over 50)?
If you vape in mechanical mod or with a high wattage, we recommend you opt for batteries with a strong discharge current, measured in Amperes (A). Products with a discharge current of 40A or higher are perfect for mechanical mods or for use with electro mods with a high power requirement. On the other hand, they will have slightly less autonomy. For use in softer electro mod with power ranges below 50W, we recommend you opt for a discharge currents of 20A or 30A instead. The autonomy will be better and the battery more suited to your style of vaping.
Precautions for use: batteries must be managed with care
Stories of exploding electronic cigarettes regularly hit the headlines. Videos showing a vaper whose pocket starts burning have been seen all around the Web and if our thoughts go primarily to these unfortunate victims, the videos are also a way of raising awareness about the issue of battery safety in case of misuse. They contain very large amounts of energy (vape batteries are the same as those used in electric cars) and are not electronically protected: in the event of a short circuit, internal overheating can cause the battery to discharge suddenly and explode. To avoid short circuits, a certain number of rules must be respected:
- Do not carry around a battery without any physical insulation (plastic, silicone case, box, etc.). If the positive and negative poles come into contact with metal parts, a short circuit may occur.
- Do not use a battery with an outer casing that is scratched or damaged: the plastic protector glued onto the battery serves to identify it but also to ensure its proper operation, and isolates the positive and negative poles to avoid short circuits. If it is damaged, you should replace it with special "wraps" that you can find on our site.
- Test its assembly before using it on an unprotected mechanical mod. A short circuit in your coil and your clearomizer can cause a short circuit in your battery and make in your mod explode, which is even more dangerous.