Buy Directly from Fuu | French-Made E-liquids

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Buying Directly from Fuu: Why It's a Good Choice

More and more of you are choosing to buy your e-liquids, bases, and concentrates directly from Fuu, and this is very virtuous. Here are a few reasons to favor the short supply chain, even in vaping!

Vaping is not like other economic sectors. All vapers today continue to be pioneers, men and women exploring a new way to quit smoking and forming their own opinions, independent of media shortcuts and constant assaults from anti-vape advocates. While the evidence in favor of vaping is abundant, increasingly reassuring, and detailed, vaping is more threatened than ever by the alliance between historical anti-tobacco groups and the tobacco industry. To exist and provide reassurance, French vaping has innovated, and we are today one of the only new sectors that have chosen to produce in France. E-liquids are crucial, and to reassure and provide guarantees, French production is essential. Fuu is among the companies that dared to invest and invent to manufacture e-liquids in the heart of Paris in one of the first facilities dedicated to vaping. But without our customers, we are nothing, and when our customers buy their products directly from our site, we can do more. Here is a summary of all the good reasons to buy your products directly from Fuu.

1/ Minimizing unnecessary transportation

Fuu products are made… by Fuu and shipped by Fuu, from Fuu. Everything is done on-site, in one place, in our vape-dedicated facility. Unlike many other players, we do not outsource anything. When you order on, your products are directly taken from the stock located right out of production. You are therefore assured that your e-liquid has traveled only once, thus minimizing the environmental impact of your order.

2/ Guarantee that your product has been stored under proper conditions

E-liquids, concentrates, and bases are sensitive products that should not be stored too hot, too sunny, or too cold. We store them at Fuu under optimal conditions, and when you receive them, you are guaranteed that everything is up to standards.

3/ Access to the latest products manufactured

We are a very compact company and we have little stock. When you order from Fuu, you receive the very latest products manufactured, ensuring you the greatest “freshness” possible.

4/ A caring and direct relationship with the Fuumily

Fuu is 100% kindness and 100% trust. We have an impeccable and human customer service team, supported by all team members, including the founders. A problem with your order, an error, a breakdown, a question, a block in quitting smoking: we are really here.

To learn more about our company, our products, and our quality approach, feel free to check our information pages MORE ABOUT OUR FUUCTORY.

See you soon by email or phone!

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