PERFECT MIX bases by Fuu.

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What if Your DIY Bases Could Offer You More?

Fuu has decided to revolutionize DIY bases by introducing innovation into these essential vape products. After several months of testing and research, we've developed four formulas designed to enhance your recipes and vaping experience. We've taken innovation to a new level by presenting products crafted for an unforgettable experience.


A good base is fundamental, representing over 85% of the e-liquid consumed, and it deserves attention. Since the rise of DIY, all creativity and innovation have focused on flavors. Hundreds of different concentrates and the quest for perfect recipes by manufacturers and vapers have made DIY a rich and dynamic universe, yet there has been almost no innovation in bases, which quickly reached a controlled price and satisfactory quality level.

The Birth of an Idea

At Fuu, we decided to explore what could be done to improve DIY bases and offer more effective formulas. The key areas that came to mind were:

  • Reducing steep time
  • Enhancing flavor expression in the e-liquid
  • Increasing the pleasure of vaping with smoother and denser vapor, and managing the nicotine-induced hit
  • Avoiding waste with successful recipes

With these criteria and our experience as an e-liquid manufacturer, we began testing formulas using PG, VG, and additives to create bases that are neutral (not altering the flavor) but significantly improve the final product. This led to the development of our four recipes, all of which halve steep time and enhance flavor. Additionally, each recipe is tailored to specific usage contexts.

We prohibit the use of sucralose in our e-liquids, so you won't find it in any of our products.

The Four Recipes, Targeted for Different Uses



The 50/50 base that enhances any recipe, regardless of its profile.

  • Softer hit
  • More homogeneous flavor
  • Steep 2x faster

The neutral base that boosts your recipe. In 50/50 PG/VG, this base adapts to all flavor profiles. It increases the intensity of your favorite concentrate, providing noticeable vaping smoothness. Less hit, more roundness in the vape, and accelerated steep time: the innovative formulation of our Base 01. All Day makes a significant difference for easier DIY.



The 30/70 base that enhances sub-ohm recipes, regardless of their profile.

  • Better performance at high temperatures
  • Denser vapor
  • Steep 2x faster

This high VG base, with 70% Vegetable Glycerin and 30% Propylene Glycol, is designed for recipes intended for sub-ohm atomizers, rebuildables, or drippers. Our .02 POWER base formulation enhances your concentrate's flavors without altering them, speeds up steeping, and offers smoother vaping with a reduced hit and smoothness at high vaporization temperatures.



The 50/50 base that enhances your fruity and fresh fruity recipes.

  • Boosted flavor
  • Enhanced fruity notes
  • Steep 2x faster

Love fruits? This 50/50 base is for you. Its carefully crafted composition increases the power of your usual fruity recipe. The flavor remains unchanged but its intensity increases, effectively avoiding the need for sweeteners or over-dosing your aroma. Our .03 FRUITY base is also excellent for fresh and fruity creations, delivering impressive results.



The 50/50 base that enhances your gourmet and/or tobacco recipes.

  • Boosted flavor
  • Enhanced gourmet notes
  • Steep 2x faster

Your favorite gourmet recipe becomes better, more intense, and more flavorful. Notes that you couldn't detect before come to life and expand. Formulated in 50/50, our .04 TASTY base improves your gourmet concentrates and accelerates steeping. This is particularly beneficial for enjoying your DIY faster and reducing the amount of aroma used.

How Does It Work?

The secret of PERFECT MIX BASES? The addition of carefully controlled additives by Fuu to create formulas that integrate aromas and nicotine in the best possible conditions. All our bases are offered in 50/50 PG/VG, except for the Power recipe, which uses 70VG. While the details of the additives are not disclosed to avoid rapid copying of our innovative formulas, we guarantee high quality: our bases are undergoing AFNOR certification. We only use well-known and controlled ingredients in vaping. The secret? Ultra-precise dosing and several months of intensive R&D.

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