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Dive into the World of Our Bold New Range: Infuusions. Carefully crafted, each cup becomes more than just a beverage—it's a sensory experience. At Fuu, our commitment to health is once again evident through this range dedicated to smoking cessation and reducing coffee consumption. Infuusions consists of two organic herbal teas, made in France: "Arrêt du Café" and "Arrêt du Tabac". They mark another step towards a healthier and more balanced life.


We understand that a herbal tea cannot make people quit smoking, but we provide you with help and support during these challenging moments of cessation. Infuusions were created in response to the growing need to offer a healthy and natural alternative to help people quit smoking and/or reduce coffee consumption. These unique infusions took shape through a meticulous selection of ingredients sourced from organic farming, and are 100% natural. Our commitment to health goes beyond just creating exquisite infusions. For over 10 years now, Fuu has positioned itself as a dedicated wellness companion, providing answers to everyone in their quest for a tobacco-free and coffee-free life. Through our infusions, discover allies to accompany you on your journey to a balanced life.


The "Arrêt du Tabac" infusion has been carefully developed to accompany your smoking cessation journey. Explore unique flavors and blends specially formulated to support you at every step of this long process. This infusion becomes a true ally, offering you a natural and delicious way to gradually reduce your tobacco dependence. Its aim is to help you overcome the urge to smoke while accompanying your favorite all-day. Our "Arrêt du Tabac" infusion, designed to support you in your efforts through a gentle and delicious break. Its slightly tangy citrus notes and ginger blend perfectly to offer you a soothing boost. Citrus helps reduce stress and nervousness, and ginger is there to soothe your discomfort. A delightful combination to reinvigorate you at any time of the day.

Tasting Tips:

  1. Heat water to 80 degrees.
  2. Infusion dosage: 2g per cup, or 4 to 5g for a teapot of about 80cl.
  3. Pour hot water into your cup or teapot.
  4. Let infuse for 4 to 5 minutes, then remove the teabag and enjoy (tip: do not let it steep for too long).
  5. Best enjoyed hot, during the day and in the evening.

Not recommended for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.


Do you aspire to reduce your coffee consumption while preserving the pleasure of tasting?

Coffee is good, it's smooth, it's warm, but it's synonymous with coffee-cigarette breaks, sleep disturbances, stomach discomfort, nervousness… More negative points than positive ones in sum. Our herbal tea is here to help relieve your body and bid farewell to the post-meal cigarette that is often difficult to give up.

Our "Arrêt du Café" infusion has been designed to be the ideal beverage throughout the day. Combining energizing maté, invigorating citrus, and comforting spices, this infusion offers a unique taste experience. Without caffeine, it naturally stimulates your energy while promoting healthy digestion. Spices such as cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom contribute to digestion, while citrus fruits provide vitamin C and antioxidants to strengthen your immune system and a source of energy. A balanced blend providing a boost of energy, vitality, and well-being throughout the day. Enjoy "Arrêt du Café" during, after, or between meals for a gentle and delicious break, turning these moments into comforting tasting experiences, without a hint of caffeine.

Tasting Tips:

  1. Heat water to 80 degrees.
  2. Infusion dosage: 2g per cup, or 4 to 5g for a teapot of about 80cl.
  3. Pour hot water into your cup or teapot.
  4. Let infuse for 3 to 5 minutes, then remove the teabag and enjoy.
  5. Best enjoyed hot, during the day and in the evening.

Not recommended for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

With our range of Infuusions, every sip becomes a sensory experience to accompany your smoking cessation and caffeine reduction journey. Fuu offers you more than just a herbal tea but a healthy and delicious alternative. Whether you choose the energy of "Arrêt du Café" or the gentleness of "Arrêt du Tabac", each sip marks a step towards a life without tobacco and without coffee. Transform each infusion into a step towards a new chapter in your quest for wellness goals.

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